My Life According to My Foreign-Language Exercise Book

My Life According to My Foreign-Language Exercise Book

Social Life
I hang out with my friends at the park, and we play ball.

Going Out
I like to eat (croissants/tortillas) at the Internet café and drink (sangria/vin chaud) at the discothèque!

Healthy Habits
I eat (paella/apples) every day. When my throat hurts, I go to the (hospital/back of the garden).

Daily Routine
This is my daily routine:

My Style
I am passionate about fashion! (Therefore/However), I wear fedoras and flared jeans under my skirt.

Modern Politics
I am (worried/excited) about the Falklands war, and I (dream/am afraid) of a royal wedding, just like Prince Charles and Diana!

What is in the shop window?

Maps and Directions
Please select the correct word from this list and fill in the blanks: behind, near, below, next to, above, opposite, right

My house is ______ the shops, ______ the metro, ______ the bakery, ______ the bus stop, to the ______ of the park, ______ the bridge, and ______ the sky.

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