China’s newest nuclear-powered submarine sinks in potential embarrassment for Beijing

China’s newest nuclear-powered submarine sinks in potential embarrassment for Beijing

The news was first reported by the Wall Street Journal.

A series of satellite images from Planet Labs from June appear to show cranes at the Wuchang shipyard, where the submarine would have been docked.

As of 2022, China had six nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines, six nuclear-powered attack submarines and 48 diesel-powered attack submarines, according to a Pentagon report on China’s military. That submarine force is expected to grow to 65 by 2025 and 80 by 2035, the US Defence Department has said.

On Wednesday, China said it had successfully conducted a rare launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile into the Pacific Ocean, a move likely to raise international concerns about the country’s nuclear buildup.

The United States and China held theatre-level commander talks for the first time earlier this month, amid efforts to stabilise military ties and avoid misunderstandings, especially in regional hot spots such as the South China Sea.


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