Kickin’ it with FIFA!

Kickin’ it with FIFA!

Kickin’ it with FIFA!

Today, on an exciting edition of Up To Speed, your host Raquel Wilson has some BIG announcements to share!


Futbol fans, a partnership announcement just for you! [00:15]

In an announcement that has UTS co-host Jen Marin over la luna, she shared that Verizon was named Telecommunication Services Sponsor for FIFA World Cup 26 and Tournament Supporter for FIFA Women’s World Cup 2027! This is our first-ever agreement with FIFA and it will power experiences for fans and customers leading up to, during, and after FIFA World Cup 26, while also ensuring our state-of-the-art connectivity across stadiums.

For all the details, check out the press release, and for more FIFA fun, be sure to ▶️ press play [00:15]!


☎️ News that would leave our original founders stunned … and proud. [02:22]

Batting a billion: If you haven’t yet seen this morning’s email from Hans, it marked some amazing news. More than a year ahead of schedule, the EDISON Alliance achieved the goal of their 1 Billion Lives Challenge – a commitment to deliver digital services in education, healthcare and finance to help improve a billion lives.

About the EDISON Alliance: The Alliance was co-founded by Verizon and the World Economic Forum in 2021 to unite the public and private sectors in tackling the worldwide challenge of digital inclusion.

An Innovative contributor: Our own Verizon Innovative Learning has helped nearly 8 million students around the U.S. since 2012, and was a major contributor to the 1 Billion Lives Challenge.

▶️Watch the replay: Hans and other EDISON Alliance members announced the news externally via a live webcast this morning. View the replay here

A note to history buffs: Yes, Thomas Edison and Alexander Graham Bell were well-known rivals of their time; however, it was actually technology that Edison invented that helped enhance and improve the telephone. So we can’t help but think Mr. Edison would be proud to lend his name to such an important endeavor.


⌚ Our product gave this mom a sigh of relief and should have parents everywhere checking their kids’ wrists. [03:12]

There was a time, very recently, when a kindergartner falling asleep on the school bus would have resulted in panic, confusion, resources dispatched and a city-wide search. But when this recently happened to five-year-old Tiffany and her mom Tia Ellis, it was a very different outcome thanks to the Gizmo Watch!

🚸 Get more details on the Gizmo Watch.

▶️ Be sure to watch Tia tell the story in her own words by pressing play [03:40].


🗣️💬 Shouting out to folks across Verizon — you rock! [04:08]

Raquel is shouting out to folks who done some great things, be sure to watch the replay and see the details, especially if you are:

These kudos are all for you!


✅ Reminder: vote for your favorite by TOMORROW, Wednesday, September 25 at 5 PM ET. [05:09]

There’s only one day left to vote for a new name for our company-wide award. If you didn’t get a chance to vote yet, head over and choose from one of the following options:

  • The Power of V Award
  • The Verizon Impact Award
  • The Verizon Visionary Award

☑️ Click here to cast your vote.


Click here for a transcript of the webcast.

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